Bluebonnet's Super Earth Brewer's Yeast Flakes provides a select strain of Sacchromyces cerevisiae that is carefully grown on certified non-GMO sugar beet molasses instead of the typical grain-derived brewer's yeast that is recovered from the beer-brewing process. Grain-derived brewer's yeast tends to be particularly bitter in taste due to the natural of the grains used, such as barley and hops. Bluebonnet's non-GMO premium brewer's yeast provides a toasted, non-bitter, savory flavor without any artificial sweeteners, colors or flavor and can be incorporated into any recipe to improve texture and nutritional value. It provides a natural, vegan source of high quality protein that not only encompasses all of the essential amino acids, but also dietary fiber and a wide array of vitamins, such as most of B vitamins including folate, as well as macro and trace minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Bluebonnet's Super Earth Brewer's Yeast Flakes is the perfect whole food addition to any healthy diet, providing the opportunity for complete and balanced nutrition. Available in easy-to-mix flakes for maximum assimilation and absorption.