
пятница, 28 июня 2019 г.

Grandpa's, Угольный очищающий крем для душа, детоксифицирующий, 9,5 ж. унц. (280 мл)


#iherb #grandpas #угольный_очищающий_крем_для_душа

Detoxifying steam-activated Charcoal, paired with vitamin rich Organic Hemp Oil draws out dirt and toxins to free up congested pores. This clarifying shower cream, infused with an exhilarating natural mind trio, leaves you skin clear and radiant. Подробнее

Grandpa's, Очищающее масло для душа с хлопковым семенем, питающее, 9,5 ж. унц. (280 мл)


#iherb #grandpas #очищающее_масло_для_душа_с_хлопковым_семенем

A restoring trio of Cotton Seed Oil, Organic Sweet Almond Oil and Apricot Kernel Oil, infused with a calming natural scent of fresh cotton and sweet almond, cleanses and hydrates dry, seasonally-stressed skin. Подробнее

Metamucil, MultiHealth Fiber 4 в 1, шелуха семян подорожника, без сахара, коктейль с апельсиновым вкусом, 160 капсул


#iherb #metamucil #multihealth_fiber_4_в_1

This Metamucil product has a low glycemic index, a measure of the effect of dietary carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Подробнее

Nature's Bakery, Безглютеновый батончик из инжира, черника, 6 двойных упаковок, по 2 унц. каждый


#iherb #natures_bakery #безглютеновый_батончик_из_инжира

Hi there. We're Nature's Bakery, Started by father and son bakers. Dave and Sam Marson, we're on a mission to introduce a snack-hungry world to a new take on baked. Fueled by a desire to re-imagine good into great. We bake according to three rules: Подробнее

Sonoma Creamery, Крекеры с пармезаном, Пармезан, 2,25 унц. (63,8 г)


#iherb #sonoma_creamery #крекеры_с_пармезаном

Sonoma Creamery Parmesan Crisps are Baked, Never Fried and Naturally Lactose Free. We use only 100% Natural 10-Month Aged Parmesan Cheese made with milk completely free of artificial hormones.† Then we bake it with a sprinkling of certified gluten-free ancient grains- Quinoa, Oat Bran and Brown Rice - into thin, crunchy, cheesy crisps. Подробнее