
пятница, 20 октября 2017 г.

The Julian Bakery, Органические тонкие крекеры палео, соль и перец, 238 г (8,4 унции)


Новинка нашей палео-кухни...Органические крекеры палео - соль и перец Подробнее

Life Extension, Супер-усваиваемый коэнзим Q10 кофермент с d-лимоненом, 100 мг, 60 капсул в мягкой оболочке


Супер-усваиваемый коэнзим Q10 использует систему, на которую заявлен патент, предназначенную для использования выделяемого телом тепла и желудочно-кишечный pH для усваивания растворимых в жирах питательных веществ. При приеме внутрь кофермент коэнзима Q10 высвобождается и образует равномерную и растворимую эмульсию. Подробнее

Ojio, Органический какао-порошок из негибридного сырья, 8 унц. (227 г)


Our Ojio Cacao Powder is crafted from beans hidden deep in the rainforest of the low lying La Costa Region of Ecuador. The region produces Arriba Nacional Fino De Aroma, a native heirloom cacao species and crown jewel of the international chocolate trade. Large ruddy brown and yellow cacao pods are harvested by hand and split in half, revealing bitter cacao beans within. These beans are carefully shelled, cleaned, sun dried and fermented to maximize their deep, yet complex flavor. The beans are finely ground and carefully pressed, resulting in a simple, pure remarkably flavorful powder. Подробнее

Nature's Best, IsoPure, IsoPure, белковый порошок, ноль углеводов, сливочная ваниль, 4,5 фунта (2,04 кг)


50 г 100% чистого сывороточного изолята белка изолировать, и ни капли углеводов. Несмотря на то, что отпускается с глютамином и питательными веществами, но не содержит лактозы или примесей, поэтому его легко пить. Подробнее

Nature's Best, IsoPure, IsoPure, белковый порошок с низким содержанием углеводов, голландский шоколад, 4,5 фунта (2,04 кг)


50 г белка из 100% чистого изолята сыворотки и всего 3 г углеводов в приведенном объеме. А кроме того, продукт поставляется с глутамином и питательными веществами, но без лактозы или примесей, поэтому его легко пить. Подробнее

Now Foods, Органический сырой какао-порошок, 12 унций (340 г)


С какао-порошком NOW Real Food Organic Raw Cacao Powder вы насладитесь интенсивным богатым вкусом и питательными качествами темного шоколада без добавленных сахаров и нездоровых ингредиентов. Какао-порошок идеально подходит для рецептов с цельными натуральными ингредиентами, он прекрасно дополнит самые разные десерты и напитки, включая горячий шоколад и мороженое. Необработанный какао содержит натуральные полифенол и флавоноиды, за счет чего он является настоящим суперпродуктом! Подробнее

Now Foods, Кора корицы, 500 мг, 120 капсул в растительной оболочке


Cinnamon Bark is a culinary spice that has also been used traditionally by herbalists. Modern scientific studies indicate that Cinnamon Bark possesses free radical neutralizing properties and may help to support a healthy balanced immune system response. In addition, Cinnamon Bark has bee found to support healthy glucose metabolism and may help to maintain blood sugar levels already within the normal range. Подробнее

Now Foods, Женское либидо, 60 капсул в растительной оболочке


Libido Fem is an herbal formula for women featuring Libifem, a unique fenugreek extract that has been used for centuries to enhance women's sexual desire. More recently, Libifem has been clinically studied in women aged 20-40 and shown to help promote feelings of intimacy, as well as sexual arousal and vitality in healthy women. Libifem is also show to support normal endocrine function in women. Подробнее

Barlean's, Средство для суставов, Омега-7, 30 гелей


Barlean's Joint Remedy combines 420 mg of pharmaceutical grade Omega-7 fish oil with 40 mg hyaluronic acid in a breakthrough, comprehensive joint health formula. Подробнее

Barlean's, Сердечное средство, 30 капсул


Barlean's Heart Remedy formula is the result of years of scientific research to develop a pharmaceutical grade Omega-7 designed to reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. Подробнее

Barlean's, Эмоциональная детоксикация, со вкусом клубничного молочного коктейля, 11,2 унц. (318 г)


Daily Use Can Help To: Подробнее

Barlean's, Средство детоксификации для факторов окружающей среды, дынный вкус, 210 г (7,41 унции)


Environmental toxins can show up just about anywhere - including in our water, air, soil and food. Heavy metals like mercury, lead and cadmium - along with xenoestrogens like pesticides - may interfere with healthy cell function and lead to a variety of health concerns. Barlean's Environmental Detox contains a blend of nutrients that supports the body in riding itself of these toxins and helps to promote optimal immune function. Подробнее

Barlean's, Оптимизатор мозга, шоколадный вкус, 6,35 унц. (180 г)


Daily Use Can Help To: Подробнее

Barlean's, Восстановление желудка, ванильный чай, 180 г (6,35 унций)


Barlean's Stomach Repair is formulated to help calm the symptoms upset, including heartburn, indigestion, ulcers and reflux. Our all-natural combination of botanicals and nutrients is designed to thicken the stomach's protective lining, repair irritated or unhealthy stomach tissue and eliminate harmful bacteria, like H. Pylori, that can lead to many common stomach ailments. Подробнее

Hugo Naturals, Гель для укладки, средня степень фиксации, 3,4 жидких унций (100 мл)


Pure botanical blend allows you to style your hair effortlessly, while moisturizing quinoa and rice protein help to nourish, protect and repair. In a smooth, non-sticky formula with a refreshing citrus scent. Подробнее

Natural Factors, Жевательный имбирь, 500 мг, 90 жевательных таблеток


Ginger is a traditional herbs used in many cultures for thousands of years. It is clinically show to help prevent nausea and vomiting due to motion and/or seasickness. Traditionally used as an herbal remedy to help support digestive health and well-being. Helps prevent nausea and vomiting associated with post-operative nausea. Helps to relieve the pain associated with menstrual cramping. Подробнее

Natural Factors, Стресс-релакс, освобождение ума, 60 капсул


Mind Retreat is a synergistic formula featuring a superior source and naturally produced form of the important brain compound gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), combined with magnesium, lemon balm, and vitamin B6 to help temporarily promote relaxation. Mind Retreat can be used to help maintain a restful sleep in case of restlessness or occasional sleeplessness caused by mental stress. Подробнее

Natural Factors, NAC, N-ацетил-L-цистеин, 600 мг, 60 вегетарианских капсул


N-Acetyl-L- Cysteine (NAC) is a highly stable form of cysteine and is a precursor in the body to the critical antioxidant glutathione. It provides antioxidant support and helps to promote healthy immune system function. Natural Factors amino acids are the highest quality pharmaceutical grade products available. Подробнее

Natural Factors, Дети, лучшие друзья, жидкий, витамин D3, 400 МЕ, 0,5 жидк. унц. (15 мл)


Big Friends Liquid Vitamin D3 is carefully blended in a mixture of organic extra-virgin olive and flaxseed oils providing 400 IU of vitamin D3 in just one little drop. Vitamin D3 is essential for strong bones and teeth as it increases the body’s absorption of calcium from food. Its role in regulating calcium levels also helps regulate the immune system and maintain healthy nerves and muscles. Подробнее

Jarrow Formulas, Ротовой пробиотик Jarro-Dophilus, вкус натурального зеленого яблока, 30 пастилок


Exert significant, specific inhibitory activity that promotes oral and dental health (teeth and gums), better health and restores oral flora. Подробнее

Jarrow Formulas, Пробиотики Jarro-Dophilus, для женщин, 60 капсул


Jarro-Dophilus Women содержит четыре клинически задокументированных штамма пробиотиков влагалищных лактобактерий, включая изолированных у здоровых женщин продуцентов H202, способствующих оптимальной микрофлоре влагалища. Подробнее

New Chapter, Эстротон, 60 вегетарианских капсул


New Chapter Herbal Therapeutic formulations target specific areas of wellness and provide synergistic combinations of full-spectrum herbs, whole-food cultured vitamins and minerals, and Omega fatty acids to support health and wellness. Подробнее

Solaray, Ягоды боярышника, 525 мг, 180 капсул


Hawthorn, also called mayflower or may bush, is a dense, thorny shrub of the rose family native to northern climates. One of the oldest medicinal plants in Europe, hawthorn is known as much for its long history and folklore background as for its health benefits. Studies suggest that hawthorn may support cardiovascular function and help maintain normal, healthy blood pressure levels. Подробнее

Solaray, Оригинальная смесь с флетролом, 60 капсул растительного происхождения


Maintaining normal bladder strength is an issue for approximately 13 million Americans, 85% of the women. The issue can occur at any age. Children may also face it. Taking Continence dietary supplement and following the Continence Plan now offers hope to those who face this inconvenience. This product is certified to contain no more than 5ppm of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Подробнее

Solaray, Валериана, 470 мг, 180 капсул в растительной оболочке


Valerian is an herb that has been used historically throughout the world for thousands of years. The strong smell of the root makes it easily identifiable. It is said that its name derives from the Latin word valere, meaning "all heal", because it was so commonly used for a wide variety of ailments. Valerian is approved by the German Commission E for normal, restful sleep. Подробнее

Solaray, Мате ерба, 450 мг, 100 легко глотаемых капсул


Yerba Mate is derived from the leaves of a small South American evergreen tree. It has been consumed as a tea since early in the 1800's when it was discovered by Auguste de Saint Hilaire. Many of the compounds found in Yerba Mate are similar to those found in tea, including polyphenols, tannins and xanthine alkaloids. Подробнее

Solaray, Шлёмник широколистный, 100 капсул в растительной оболочке


Scutellaria laterifolia, commonly known as Skullcap or Blue Skullcap is perennial herb in the mint family originating from North America. Skullcap has a long history of use among Native American tribes due to its soothing properties. Подробнее

Solaray, Корица, 60 вегетарианских капсул


One of the world's most popular and treasured spices, Cinnamon bark has a long history of use not only for culinary purpose, but is also used to help provide nutritional support as a digestive aid and for healthy blood lipid and glucose levels. Подробнее

Solaray, Масло тыквенных семечек, 1000 мг, 90 капсул


Pumpkin Seed oil is a dark green oil pressed from pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seed oil is a rich source of fatty acids including Omega-6 Linoleic Acid, Omega-9 Oleic Acid and Palmitic Acid. Pumpkin Seed Oil also contains phytosterols, naturally occurring compounds found in plant cell membranes. Numerous clinical studies suggest that Pumpkin Seed oil may support healthy cardiovascular and prostate function. Подробнее

Solaray, Опунция, мексиканский кактус, 500 мг, 100 растительных капсул


Prickly Pear, also known as "nopal" or "opuntia," thrives in desert locales. The Mexican flag proudly displays the distinctive cactus image. Prickly Pear has been used to make jellies, syrups, soups and salads. The famous cactus is intended to provide nutritive support for normal, healthy blood glucose and blood lipid levels. Подробнее

Solaray, Пантотеновая кислота 500 мг, 250 вегетарианских капсул


Pantothenic Acid is a constituent of Coenzyme A, an important factor in energy production. Подробнее

Solaray, Кошачий коготь, 500 мг, 100 капсул


Cat's Claw is also known as Una de Gato and is named for the sharp, curved thorns found on its stem. Solaray only uses the inner bark portion of the vine. Подробнее

Solaray, Органически выращенный Траметес разноцветный, 60 капсул в растительной оболочке


Solaray Organically Grown Mushrooms are 100% vegan, excipient-free and contain no fillers or additional ingredients. The organic mushroom mycelium biomass is cultured on organic gluten-free whole oats and then fermented. A mycelium is the vegetative portion of a fungus. It is through this root-like substance that the fungus absorbs nutrients. Подробнее

Solaray, Органически выращенные ферментированные грибы шиитаке, 60 вегетарианских капсул


Solaray Organically Grown Fermented Mushrooms are 100% vegan, excipient-free and contain no fillers or additional ingredients. The organic mushroom mycelium biomass is cultured on organic gluten-free whole oats and then fermented. A mycelium is the vegetative portion of a fungus. It is through this root-like substance that the fungus absorbs nutrients. Подробнее

Solaray, Ферментированный органически выращенный королевский агарикс, гриб, 500 мг, 60 капусл


Solaray Organically Grown Mushrooms are 100% vegan, excipient-free and contain no fillers or additional ingredients. The organic mushroom mycelium biomass is cultured on organic gluten-free whole oats and then fermented. A mycelium is the vegetable portion of a fungus. It is through this root-like structure that the fungus absorbs nutrients. Подробнее

Solaray, Ферментированный рейши органического происхождения, 500 мг, 60 капсул растительного происхождения


Solaray Organically Grown Mushrooms are 100% vegan, excipient-free and contain no fillers or additional ingredients. The organic mushroom mycelium biomass is cultured on organic gluten-free whole oats and then fermented. A mycelium is the vegetative portion of a fungus. It is through this root-like substance that the fungus absorbs nutrients. Подробнее

Solaray, Органически выращенные ферментированные грибы майтакэ, 500 мг, 60 вегетарианских капсул


Solaray Organically Grown Mushrooms are 100% vegan, excipient-free and contain no fillers or additional ingredients. The organic mushroom mycellium biomass is cultured on organic gluten-free whole oats and then fermented. A mycellium is the vegetative portion of a fungus. It is through this root-like substance that the fungus absorbs nutrients. Подробнее

Solaray, Органически выращенный ферментированный ежовик гребенчатый, 60 растительных капсул


Solaray Organically Grown Fermented Mushrooms are 100% vegan, excipient-free and contain no fillers or additional ingredients. The organic mushroom mycelium biomass is cultured on organic gluten-free whole oats and then fermented. A mycelium is the vegetative portion of a fungus. It is through this root-like substance that the fungus absorbs nutrients. Подробнее

Solaray, Ферментированные кордицепсы органического происхождения, 500 мг, 60 капсул в оболочке растительного происхождения


Solaray Organically Grown Mushrooms are 100% vegan, excipient-free and contain no fillers or additional ingredients. The organic mushroom mycelium biomass is cultured on organic gluten-free whole oats and then fermented. A mycelium is the vegetative portion of a fungus. It is through this root-like substance that the fungus absorbs nutrients. Подробнее

Solaray, Органически выращенная ферментированная чага, 60 растительных капсул


Solaray Organically Grown Mushrooms are 100% vegan, excipient-free and contain no fillers or additional ingredients. The organic mushroom mycelium biomass is cultured on organic gluten-free whole oats and then fermented. A mycelium is the vegetative portion of a fungus. It is through this root-like substance that the fungus absorbs nutrients. Подробнее

Solaray, Метил B-12 метил-фолат, Вишневый вкус, 60 пастилок


Methylcobalamin and 5-Methyltetrahydrofolic Acid are the biologically active, highly bioavailabile forms of B-12 and Folic Acid. Подробнее

Solaray, Метил B-12 с вишневым вкусом, 5000 мкг, 60 пастилок


Methylcobalamin is the biologically active, highly bioavailable form of B-12. Methylcobalamin provides nutritive support for normal, healthy red blood cell production, proper nerve function and healthy homocysteine levels. Подробнее

Solaray, Ферментированный имбирь органического происхождения, 400 мг, 100 капсул растительного происхождения


Solaray organically grown products are 100% vegan, excipient-free and contain no fillers or additional ingredients. Organic farming protects consumers' and farm workers' personal health, improves soil and water purity, encourages biodiversity and supports small farming operations. Подробнее

Solaray, Органически выращенная ферментированная свекла, 500 мг , 100 растительных капсул


Solaray organically grown products are 100% vegan, excipient-free and contain no fillers or additional ingredients. Organic farming protects consumers and farm workers' personal health, improves soil and water purity, encourages biodiversity and supports small farming operations. Подробнее

Solaray, Пустырник, 425 мг, 100 вегетарианских капсул


Native to Europe, the ancient Greeks named this herb motherwort, meaning "mother's herb." It has traditionally been used for female support and to promote relaxation. Подробнее

Solaray, Ниацин, 100 мг, 100 вегетарианских капсул


Niacin (Vitamin B-3) is a necessary part of the body's pathway for making energy. The body converts niacin into NADH through its complex biochemistry in order to generate ATP, an energy form that the body can use. Подробнее

Nordic Naturals, Гелевые конфетки CoQ10, клубника, 100 мг., 60 гелевых конфеток


Coenzyme Q10 is found in every cell of the body and is critical to the production of cellular energy (ATP). CoQ10 is especially important in cell with high energy requirements, like the one found in the heart. Подробнее

Nordic Naturals, Жевательные витамины D3 + K2, Гранат, 60 мишек


The combination of vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 provides superior support for the health and maintenance of normal bones . Vitamin D3 (choclecalciferol) is the natural, most easily absorbed and utilized form of vitamin D. Vitamin K2 as menaquinone-7 is the most bioactive and bioavailable for of vitamin K. Подробнее

Nordic Naturals, Ультра Омега 2X, 60 миниатюрных мягких желатиновых конфет


Our most powerful oil yet. Ultimate Omega 2X Mini with Vitamin D3 features the highest-concentration omega-3 fish oil in triglyceride form (the form naturally found in fish) delivering superior absorption and maximum benefits. With 520 mg of EPA and DHA and 500 IU vitamin D3 in each soft gel, this powerful combination meets a brand range of nutritional needs. Подробнее

Nordic Naturals, Ультимат Омега 2X, лимон, 60 мягких желатиновых конфет


Наш жир — самый мощный из всех рыбьих жиров на сегодняшний день. Ultimate Omega 2X с витамином D3 содержит максимальную концентрацию рыбьего жира омега-3 в форме триглицеридов (естественной форме рыбьего жира), обеспечивая отличное усвоение организмом и максимальную пользу. Со 100 мг ЭПК и ДГК и 500 ИЕ витамина D3 в каждой мягкой капсуле, эта мощная комбинация обеспечит самые разные потребности в питательных веществах. Подробнее