
суббота, 4 ноября 2017 г.

Sunkist, Витамины C и D, жевательные таблетки со вкусом сочного апельсина, 500 мг / 500 ME, 80 жевательных таблеток


Sunkist Vitamin C + D tablets act as a nutritional supplement of powerful antioxidants that ward off harmful free radicals. Vitamin C helps support the normal development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums. Vitamin D is essential in the development of strong bones by increasing the body's absorption of calcium. It is synthesized in the body from sunlight; only a small amount can be obtained from food. The winter season and almost all sunblock products inhibit the body's ability to produce optimal levels of vitamin D3 supplementation even more necessary to ensure you body receives an adequate supply. Supports immune function. Подробнее