#iherb #life_flo #гидролизованный_коллагеновый_порошок_из_мяса_крупного_рогатого_скота_травяного_откорма
Collagen is a natural and healthy ingredient that has been used for centuries. Collagen-rich foods are a large part of traditional diets. Our ancestors utilized whole-animal nutrition, which provided an abundant amount of collagen, the native form of gelatin. Over time, we have lost touch with this powerful super food. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is a key constituent of all connective tissues. As we age, collagen depletion can lead to common signs of aging in the skin, hair, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Life-flo Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen Powder contains 90% protein that may help support healthy collagen formation throughout the body. Using an advanced hydrolyzation process, collagen molecules are enzymatically hydrolyzed into small peptides that result in a non-gelling product which dissolves easily in cold water and has high protein composition without cholesterol, sugars, additives, or preservatives. Подробнее